Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I just want to thank God for all I have.

My husband tried to spin into oncoming highway traffic yesterday. He didn't mean to, but it's hard to steer with only 3 tires. He called me just after it happened, and I could hear the fear and tension in his voice. If you know Jeremy, you know that you very rarely hear fear in his voice. It scared me. A lot. He told me what had happened, and then informed me that he had prayed a quick prayer in those seconds that God might forgive him of all he had done. I could have lost him so easily, but God watched over him and kept him safe.

I take so much for granted, and it makes me sad to realize how complacent I have gotten. I don't thank God enough because I don't pay attention to all that He does to bless me. I pray that I will take more time to dwell on the blessings He has given me and my family. There is a simple little song that I have sung about 3 million times, but I never really mean it like I should. You know the words, sing with me!

"Thank you Lord for loving me, and thank you Lord for blessing me. Thank you Lord, for making me whole and saving my soul! Please reveal Your will to me so I can serve You for eternity. Use my life in every way, take hold of it today!"

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